Use "absorption spectroscopy" in a sentence

1. Infrared absorption spectroscopy

2. PbB : Atomic absorption spectroscopy,

3. The analyses were performed by atomic absorption spectroscopy and ICP spectroscopy.

4. Multi-pass cell for absorption spectroscopy

5. A complementary technique is absorption spectroscopy.

6. Absorption spectroscopy to determine column density

7. Apparatus and instruments for X-ray absorption spectroscopy

8. Lead and cadmium in atomic absorption spectroscopy lamps.

9. A gas absorption spectroscopy system and method are provided.

10. He was an expert in Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS).

11. Method and device for combined absorption and reflectance spectroscopy

12. Theoretical studies of the spectroscopy of solids, collision-induced absorption.

13. Non-invasive blood glucose measurement using mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy

14. magneto-chemistry and characterisation techniques (X-ray diffraction and absorption/emission ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy, infrared spectroscopy, Raman, NMR)

15. Catheter-based mid-infrared reflectance and reflectance generated absorption spectroscopy

16. At CAMECO, Mr. Moodie participated in analytical method development using inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES), atomic absorption spectroscopy, alpha and gamma spectroscopy.

17. Mercury compounds are analysed by automated cold vapour atomic absorption spectroscopy :

18. Technical project management in the field of X-ray absorption spectroscopy

19. The optical properties, including absorption and emission, were recorded by UV–vis absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy, respectively.

20. Keywords: microwave dissolution, soil analysis, trace metal determination, atomic absorption spectroscopy.

21. Key words: crystallization, noncrystalline ice, FT-IR reflection–absorption spectroscopy, temporary evolution.

22. Optical absorption spectroscopy with multi-pass cell with adjustable optical path length

23. The project team has pioneered the use of ‘cavity enhanced absorption spectroscopy’.

24. Rydberg, electron energy loss, UV absorption, UV photoelectron spectroscopy, alkene, gas-phase.

25. 1.4 Mercury compounds are analysed by automated cold vapour atomic absorption spectroscopy :

26. We offer both quartz Cuvettes with two polished sides for absorption spectroscopy, and quartz Cuvettes with four polished sides for fluorescence spectroscopy.

27. Technical consultancy and technical expertise in the field of X-ray absorption spectroscopy

28. Compared to atomic absorption spectroscopy, ICP-MS has greater speed, precision, and sensitivity.

29. The title compounds were studied by TG, DTA, DSC, IR and absorption spectroscopy.

30. They agree well with those obtained through atomic absorption or plasma emission spectroscopy.

31. Flame atomic absorption spectroscopy can be used for the quantitative determination of thallium.

32. Absorbance spectroscopy is a molecular spectroscopy method that uses the wavelength dependent absorption characteristics of materials to identify and quantify specific substances

33. Their structural aspects were investigated by means of mass, NMR, and absorption spectroscopy.

34. • Development of environmental applications of synchrotron-based X-ray absorption spectroscopy Major Affiliations/Memberships

35. Broadband absorption spectroscopy in turbid media by combined frequency-domain and steady state methodologies

36. All the aforesaid goods for use in the field of X-ray absorption spectroscopy

37. The proposed structures have been substantiated by insitu absorption, FTIR, and 1H NMR spectroscopy.

38. The phosphorus is determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy using a phosphorus hollow cathode tube.

39. As(III) is extracted from the solid material and detected by atomic absorption spectroscopy.

40. Absorption spectroscopy method for controlling the forming of flat glass and a control device

41. Methods of analyzing formation fluids in an oilfield environment are near-infrared absorption spectroscopy.

42. All the aforesaid services for use in the field of X-ray absorption spectroscopy

43. After decomposition under pressure, the total arsenic content is also detected by atomic absorption spectroscopy.

44. In the second experiment, absorption by O2 is observed directly by cavity ring-down spectroscopy.

45. The aluminium content in 61 samples of Tokaj wines was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy.

46. High finesse optical cavity detection of trace gas species using multiple line integrated absorption spectroscopy

47. Key words: CdSe nanocrystals, capping ligands, X-ray absorption near-edge structure, UV–vis spectroscopy, photoluminescence.

48. Measuring device and method for analysing a test gas by means of an infrared absorption spectroscopy

49. It proves to be suitable for the analysis of nanoliter volumes where classical absorption spectroscopy fails.

50. • Sample Preparation by Dry Ashing for the Determination of Various Elements by Flame Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy

51. After combustion the measurement was performed by flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy using a Massmann graphite tube.

52. The technology relied on what is known as photoacoustic spectroscopy (PAS), built to measure ultraviolet absorption.

53. An aliquot of the digestate is analyzed by using cold vapour atomic absorption spectroscopy for Hg.

54. Method and apparatus for the detection of trace gas species using multiple line integrated absorption spectroscopy

55. 3.3 An aliquot of the digestate is analyzed by using cold vapour atomic absorption spectroscopy for Hg.

56. The 5g – 4f Rydberg transition of nitric oxide has been recorded by high-resolution diode laser absorption spectroscopy.

57. The metals Cr, Cu, Fe and Ni are determined and calibrated in pure B2O3 with atomic absorption spectroscopy.

58. Sediment cores collected by the program were analyzed for total mercury at NLET using cold vapour atomic absorption spectroscopy.

59. To determine these it is necessary to use a slower method such as atomic absorption spectroscopy or neutron activation.

60. ISO 9855: 1993 Ambient air - Determination of the particulate lead content of aerosols collected in filters. Atomic absorption spectroscopy method.

61. ISO 9855: 1993 ambient air - determination of the particulate lead content of aerosols collected in filters. Atomic absorption spectroscopy method.

62. ISO 9855: 1993 Ambient air — Determination of the particulate lead content of aerosols collected in filters. Atomic absorption spectroscopy method.

63. Technical planning, Research and Technical development of equipment, facilities and Apparatus, in particular in the field of X-ray absorption spectroscopy

64. X-ray Absorption fine structure (XAFS) spectroscopy, also named X-ray Absorption spectroscopy, is a technique that can be applied for a wide variety of disciplines because the measurements can be performed on solids, gasses, or liquids, including moist or dry soils, glasses, films, membranes, suspensions or pastes, and aqueous solutions.

65. Near Infrared absorption coefficient correlated with blood vessel in-growth over time, while Diffuse Reflectance Spectroscopy (DRS) data correlated with collagen concentration.

66. Photothermal spectroscopy relies on the detection of thermal or acoustic waves generated by the absorption of optical radiation and subsequent radiationless deexcitation.

67. Another spectroscopic tool — sulphur K-edge X-ray absorption spectroscopy — has enabled partners to qualitatively and quantitatively determine polysulphides in the composite cathode.

68. C NMR spectroscopy.

69. Raman spectroscopy points towards liberation and agglomeration of carbon by tribochemical processes and the subsequent saturation of its dangling bonds by water absorption.

70. The method includes the steps of releasing trapped hair (30) from a hair follicle (34) and performing atomic absorption spectroscopy on the released hair.

71. As examples such diverse fields as flameless atomic absorption spectroscopy of Tl traces and anodic stripping analysis of Cd in rock samples are investigated.

72. Absorption spectroscopy refers to spectroscopic techniques that measure the Absorption of radiation, as a function of frequency or wavelength, due to its interaction with a sample.The sample absorbs energy, i.e., photons, from the radiating field

73. And visible light spectroscopy is probably the most important kind of spectroscopy.

74. Intermodulation scanning force spectroscopy

75. Laser induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) has been shown to be a promising technique for element analysis. However, self-absorption effect deeply influences the LIBS measurements.

76. Afterglow emission spectroscopy monitor

77. X-ray Photo Spectroscopy (XPS);

78. 10 Spectroscopy 08 Abearance 22

79. Rahn (see references) has described the use of chemical Actinometers which utilize the formation of triiodide as an endpoint which is easily measured by absorption spectroscopy

80. Fluorescence spectroscopy for oil spill monitoring