Use "absent minded" in a sentence

1. How absent-minded!

2. He's absent-minded.

3. I'm absent-minded.

4. Very absent-minded.

5. I'm so absent-minded.

6. Well... absent-minded, distracted.

7. You're pretty absent-minded!

8. You're so absent-minded.

9. Speer, an absent-minded artist.

10. I'm getting so absent-minded.

11. He's very absent-minded, too.

12. He's so absent-minded sometimes.

13. You are really absent - minded.

14. Speer, an absent- minded artist.

15. Your brother very absent- minded?

16. Your brother very absent-minded?

17. Blame my absent-minded heart

18. My wife is extremely absent-minded.

19. Here you are, you absent-minded...

20. That was a little absent minded.

21. He shouldn't be so absent-minded.

22. You're a little absent-minded, spirit.

23. I'm getting sort of absent-minded.

24. I am getting so absent-minded.

25. Of course, how absent-minded of me!

26. I' m getting sort of absent- minded

27. Even intelligent people are sometimes absent-minded.

28. I told you I was absent-minded.

29. Score one for the absent-minded professor.

30. You' re a Iittle absent- minded, spirit

31. No, I' m a Iarge absent- minded spirit

32. Anderson is, to begin with,[Sentencedict] absent-minded.

33. That boy is getting so absent-minded lately.

34. He's just absent-minded, but he's so sweet

35. No, I'm a large absent-minded spirit. [ chuckles ]

36. I' ve never been called absent- minded before

37. Pearlie’s well-meaning but absent minded great aunt.

38. Did you sign it because you were absent- minded

39. At times she could be almost disconcertingly absent-minded.

40. Arthur Wyman (Mitchell) is the typical absent-minded scientist.

41. Children become absent-minded, suffering from neuroses and sleeplessness.

42. I always say that brilliant men are absent-minded.

43. Synonyms for Abstracted include absent-minded, absorbed, daydreaming, distracted, inattentive, preoccupied, absent, dreamy, engrossed and remote

44. He is allways late, absent-minded, and doesn't sleep well.

45. I`m absent-minded because l`m in love with Sara.

46. He was over-tired, absent-minded, erratic, but also somehow indifferent.

47. I take an absent-minded sip from the mug beside me.

48. Here I want to devote myself to her without being absent-minded.

49. Absentminded: Alternative form of <xref>absent-minded</xref>

50. Our absent-minded doctor may have accidentally put his wallet in there.

51. I`m absent-minded because l`m in love with Sara. Oh.

52. Our absent- minded doctor may have accidentally put his wallet in there

53. Thankfully their absent-minded forwards kept the score to a respectable 3-

54. He's the most absent-minded man, but he has a heart of gold.

55. The firm “may have struck the absent-minded-clergy market,” says the article.

56. Absentminded (comparative more Absentminded, superlative most Absentminded) Alternative form of absent-minded; References

57. The theoretical side of science and the absent minded professor are always talked about

58. Stephen gave an absent-minded nod and hurried off to solve the next problem.

59. I am absent - minded and awestruck , ho , then ride on the wind heading west.

60. The reaction was Automatic: flight! Absent-minded doodling is a form of Automatic art

61. An absent-minded slip of the tongue in such an old man is perfectly forgivable.

62. You' re not often the absent- minded professor, but you can be a real zombie

63. Absent-minded toy inventor who only wants to be a good provider for his family.

64. Well it struck me that Mr. Morgan looked pretty absent-minded most of the time.

65. You know, you're really taking this whole absent-minded professor thing to a new level.

66. The absent - minded professor forgot to get off at Newcastle and was taken on to Edinburgh.

67. Synonyms for Amnemonic include forgetful, careless, neglectful, heedless, unmindful, absent-minded, oblivious, vague, disregardful and dreamy

68. Gaboo said, " Perhaps the gods were absent-minded when they dropped the evil thing on the earth.

69. The absent-minded professor with the " Aw, Dad " sense of humor disarming, unthreatening, good for all time zones.

70. Absent-Minded Killers by Jeffrey D. Sachs As a species, human beings have a major self-control problem.

71. It was something of an upset, but if you know the professor... you'll know he's slightly absent-minded.

72. The absent- minded professor with the" Aw, Dad " sense of humor...... disarming, unthreatening, good for all time zones

73. It found poor Tom low-spirited and absent-minded, and this mood continued; he could not shake it off.

74. Abstracted adjective preoccupied, withdrawn, remote, absorbed, intent, absent, distracted, unaware, wrapped up, bemused, immersed, oblivious, dreamy, daydreaming, faraway, engrossed, rapt, absent-minded, heedless, inattentive, distrait, woolgathering The same Abstracted look was still on her face.

75. The thought played over and over in her mind as she waved an absent-minded farewell and drove off into the night alone.

76. A notoriously absent - minded professor was one day observed walking along the street with one foot continually in the gutter, the other on the pavement.

77. Absentmindedly adv : in an absent-minded or preoccupied manner; "he read the letter absently" [syn: absently, abstractedly, inattentively] Dictionary source: hEnglish - advanced version

78. Antonyms for Archconservative include broad-minded, large-minded, liberal, nonconservative, nonconventional, nonorthodox, nontraditional, open-minded, progressive and unconventional

79. Synonyms for Amnesic include forgetful, absent-minded, amnesiac, vague, abstracted, scatterbrained, apt to forget, with a memory like a sieve, with a mind like a sieve and amnestic

80. It amazes me how closed-minded some open-minded people are.