Use "above average" in a sentence

1. Quebec is above average

2. " Her grades are Above average

3. Mahesh was an above average student.

4. You are above average in intelligence.

5. You're a little bit above average.

6. "SIDELINES; Way Above Average in Classrooms".

7. That was more than # disasters above average

8. It' s above average, I' d say

9. Working hours may be well above average.

10. The public schools in Brooklin are above average.

11. The public schools in Burrton are above average.

12. □ □ Would you consider your job performance above average?

13. The public schools in Belfry are above average.

14. The public schools in Altha are above average.

15. Is this score, average, above average, or below average?

16. Above average temperatures were also implicated in these incidents.

17. The Bruh has above average speed and has high health

18. She is a genius with an IQ far above average.

19. Above-average miscarriage rates are also reported in the region.

20. Each of these children is of normal to above-average intelligence.

21. Commendation letters praise someone for doing a task well above average

22. Does he have above average intelligence, yet poor results at school?

23. Boggles have low Strength but exceptional Dexterity and above-average Constitution.

24. 9 Similarly, most middle managers are average or above average in intelligence.

25. Brisk reflexes refer to an above-average response during a reflex test

26. Now that translates to a killer who's well above average in size.

27. His reading comprehension suggests above-average intelligence, but his writing is inferior.

28. Their incidence rates for prostate cancer and melanoma were also above average.

29. It is very difficult for producers to remain above average in profitability consistently.

30. So most of us put ourselves above average on most of these abilities.

31. These feed-in tariffs are typically set well above average electric power prices.

32. Ninety- five percent of our professors report that they are above- average teachers.

33. In terms of love for Jehovah, such efforts might well be above average!

34. VFU 885 Effective Radiated Power : 105 W Height Above Average Terrain : 20 m

35. VFH 528 Effective Radiated Power : 182 W Height Above Average Terrain : 248 m

36. VDD 597 Effective Radiated Power : 417 W Height Above Average Terrain : 313 m

37. Yet, most of those with learning disabilities have average or above-average intelligence.

38. The prices were a tad above average, but they're of the highest quality.

39. Profit and dividend growth looks like being above average for the foreseeable future.

40. I would never say this to her face, but Lemon is above average.

41. Price rises were also far above average for many nonfood items, such as these:

42. The rubbing together of your vocal cords at above-average rates without proper lubrication.

43. - not charging for additional freight costs caused by the pulp's above-average moisture content,

44. An above-average number of Germans also hold law firms in high regard (69%).

45. This occurrence need cause no alarm provided the height centile is well above average.

46. If your recruiting skills are above average, you might hire performers above the average.

47. Transparency, accountability, professionalism and above average market performance are the foundations of our operation.

48. Your keywords can have one of three statuses: above average, average or below average.

49. the above average environmental procedures stand out especially in the tastefully decorated powder room.

50. That is perhaps above average, but it is about par for the course for officers.

51. It also received an above-average score of 90-95 from Wine Enthusiast in 2005.

52. A temperature about 1 °C (or 2 °F) above average can cause Bleaching

53. The average yield in 2007 is estimated to be above average at 36 bu/ac.

54. Corn and soybeans, Ontario's other major crops, also fared better with above-average yields expected.

55. There are three possible statuses that you can get: above average, average or below average.

56. It occurs more frequently in women and more often in people with above-average intelligence.

57. Prostate cancer mortality was also above average, as was the incidence rate for non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

58. Several albums were also received, with two above average, all making significant contributions to the takings.

59. Imagine if we could teach so that 98 percent of our students would be above average.

60. Hotel Old Dutch boasts 23 attractive hotel rooms. In terms of comfort, they are above average.

61. Car rental offices, hotels, above average restaurants, shops, travel agencies, gas stations will accept your credit cards.

62. Too much emphasis on grades can make children of average or even above average intelligence feel inferior.

63. Usage by citizens has grown by six points from 2006 and is now two points above average.

64. You know, the one with the video where she looks even more slightly above average than usual.

65. These products have recorded above-average growth rates, making the online share of total market sales increasingly important.

66. The quality of all crops is expected to be above average with a better than normal grade distribution.

67. According to NASA, global temperatures in February were 1.35°C above average, based on a 1951-1980 baseline.

68. The average yield in 2005 was slightly above-average at 37 bu/ac, but lower than in 2004.

69. (14) Despite an above average educational attainment, Bulgaria has over 40% of low achievers in literacy and numeracy.

70. Although this was below the European average, the Government pointed out that the growth rate was above average

71. -A Cynic is usually someone with above-average awareness, especially if they develop such views at an early age

72. 7 hours ago · A 10% yield that Cannot be called and has above average shareholder protections.

73. This explains why many children with learning disabilities have average to above-average intelligence; indeed, some are extremely bright.

74. Fine subunits within each inverse-graded unit have above average calcium and magnesium contents and exhibit pore-wall cutan formation.

75. He was an above-average but somewhat uninterested student, and his intelligence was more obvious than evident in his grades.

76. The dividend of 4.60 DM per share is on a par with American levels and is well above average European returns.

77. That move was further encouraged by the increases in prescription charges last week, which were above average when set against inflation.

78. The 19-year-old prince was handsome and a little above average in height, with bright dark eyes and dark brown hair.

79. Unlike those with classic autism, however, "Aspies" do not usually have learning difficulties and often they have above-average intelligence.

80. Oh, I read what I had to to get through school, and I got above-average grades, but reading was not fun.