Use "aborigines" in a sentence

1. Growth Among Aborigines

2. Aborigines' Rights Protection Society

3. Aborigines did not kill for fun.

4. Australian Aborigines, indigenous peoples of Australia

5. Many Aborigines live in modern, large cities

6. Forcible subjection of Aborigines to police rule.

7. Aborigines of Australia Who are the Aborigines? Fun Fact: Aborigine is a Latin word that means “from the beginning.” •The Aborigines are the first people to live in Australia

8. Danish aborigines on September 28 2000 became the aboriginal European aborigines to adjudge by accepted election edgeher to accept the euro.

9. Many Europeans recoiled at the slaughter of the Aborigines.

10. Australoids include Australian Aborigines, highland New Guineans, and some Melanesians (who inhabit the Melanesian islands close to Australia). The term derives from the Australian Aborigines and has sometimes been used as a synonym for Australian Aborigines.

11. Brain Size of Australian Aborigines and Europeans

12. The Aborigines are the native inhabitants of Australia.

13. Aborigines became second-class citizens in their own land

14. Many aborigines died when they came into contact withdiseases.

15. What have the Aborigines got to say for themselves?

16. They were the aborigines, vermin by right of law.

17. Aborigines were among those awaiting baptism at the Alice Springs district convention

18. They were the scourge of God upon the aborigines of the continent.

19. An educational film about Aborigines in Australia from the 1950s

20. •The Aborigines lived in groups called tribes or clans and

21. Aborigines The flora and fauna native to a geographic area.

22. Aborigines, the original, native fauna or flora of a region.

23. I enjoyed preaching to the Aborigines in the Derby area.

24. The Aborigines, like all human groups, had highly articulated languages.

25. Europeans peg out boundaries and build fences; Aborigines hunt and gather nomadically.

26. Australians (1) The native people of Australia, known as the aborigines

27. In the past, Aborigines lived in areas far from other cultures

28. Scattered around Australia are about 20 other such groups of Aborigines.

29. Those who are interested with aborigines should check out Facts about Aboriginal History.

30. 2 • LOCATION Australian Aborigines traditionally lived throughout Australia and on the island of Tasmania

31. Australian Aboriginal rite Australian Aborigines at an event commonly called a Corroboree.

32. Australian Prime Minister Kevin Rudd apologises for the past mistreatment of Aborigines.

33. Because of my knowledge of Aborigines, their languages and problems, I concentrated on meeting these.

34. The methods adopted by the government and employed against the aborigines were most severe.

35. The Aborigines have a highly complex civilization, one that has existed for 000 years.

36. THE Abnakis AND THEIR HISTORY or Historical Notices on the Aborigines of Acadia

37. At a Corroboree, Aborigines interact with the Dreamtime through dance, music and costume

38. Aborigines definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation

39. Even there, in the dry season, the aborigines often sleep out of doors.

40. The American Aborigines The question of the first known inhabitants of the Americas is quite intriguing.

41. I say “about” because in those days Aborigines never bothered with dates and birth certificates.

42. These aborigines of Urantia were not tree dwellers, though in emergencies they still Betook …

43. It set me wondering how we aborigines traveled from far-off Shinar to Australia.

44. I am happy that our Aborigines are represented among those who appreciate this truth.

45. He divided Taiwan into eleven counties and tried to improve relations with the aborigines.

46. This was unusual because even though many Aborigines speak Kriol, few can read it.

47. Aborigines are the native people of Australia that have lived there for at least 50,000 years

48. A scientific report in 1910 claimed that Aborigines preferred the meat of herbivores rather than carnivores.

49. The Aborigines trusted him and accepted his offer of resettlement on Flinders Island, north of Tasmania.

50. Apparently, I was one of the first Australian Aborigines to become one of Jehovah’s Witnesses.

51. The visitor can ponder over the boomerangs used by aborigines at the time of Cook.

52. Boomerang: Curved throwing stick used chiefly by the aborigines of Australia for hunting and warfare.

53. Aborigines definition: the original , native fauna or flora of a region Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

54. Native civilizations of the Americas as well as Aborigines of Australia all have stories about it.

55. Today it is sign of great acceptance for a non-Aborigines to be addressed as Anangu.

56. Spencer and Gillen photographed and detailed aborigines dressed as animals, emitting animal cries to promote fertility.

57. Corroboree (plural Corroborees) A nocturnal dance held by Australian Aborigines, for social, celebratory or warlike purposes

58. American Aborigine Autochthons Aborigines 1st Americans Global Aborigine All descend from blackness, children of the Sun

59. In Australia, however, Aborigines did not depend on crops and lived as nomads in discrete regions

60. Researchers continue to debate the timeline of the first Aborigines in Australia, ranging from 125,000 to 52,000 years ago.

61. Australoid (Adjective) A member of the racial classification that includes Veddahs, Negritos, New Guineans, Melanesians, Micronesians and Australian aborigines

62. The Australian Aborigines form together with the Bushmen and pygmies one of the oldest human race

63. Berndt of the University of Western Australia, Australian Aborigines believe that “human beings are spiritually indestructible.”

64. Australian Aborigines and early explorers survived in the arid outback by exploiting these underground water bottles.

65. A congregation was started in Pingelly, and at the outset, most of its members were Aborigines.

66. As an Aborigine, I feel suited for this because, understandably, Aborigines are slow to trust whites.

67. Aborigines: problems of race and class 3 total defeat necessary if the pastoral enterprise was to succeed

68. At the same time, some settlers were quite aware they were usurping the Aborigines place in Australia.

69. The oldest remains of Aborigines in Australia are those of Mungo Lady and Mungo Man LMS, dating back 50,000 years

70. Betelgeuse is classified as a semiregular variable star, meaning that its brightness semiregularly changes. Millennia ago, Australian Aborigines noted …

71. Historian Henry Reynolds argues that there was a "historical neglect" of the Aborigines by historians until the late 1960s.

72. 3 There is growing evidence that white supremacist groups are renewing hate campaigns against Aborigines in some provincial towns.

73. Aborigines frequent the roadhouse and are gawked at by foreign travelers as if they were walking souvenirs.

74. TAiwan has about half a million aborigines or yuan zhu min (YOO-an Ju min), meaning original people

75. The medium had been too strong for them, they had taken to it like aborigines to the bottle.

76. Apb: Aborigines Protection Board (Australia) Apb: Advance Payment Bond (finance) Apb: A Prueba de Boludos (Spanish: Stupid Proof) Apb: Association Pharmaceutique Belge …

77. Australasians is the term used to describe Aborigines, Papua New Guineans, Andaman Islanders, Mamanwa Negritos, and other groups in the Philippines

78. Christian churches in Australia sought to convert Aborigines, and were often used by government to carry out welfare and assimilation policies.

79. Blacks have the lowest IQ in the world (ignoring the equally disgusting and black-skinned Australian aborigines for convenience’s

80. During these periods freed convicts and settlers used firearms to hunt the same game the Aborigines pursued with spears.