Use "abies" in a sentence

1. Abies pinsapo forests

2. Apennine beech forests with Abies alba and beech forests with Abies nebrodensis

3. Abies sibirica oil and extract

4. 9510 * Southern Apennine Abies alba forests

5. Abies sibirica needle oil and extract

6. To answer this question, we studied Abies alba and Picea abies mortality in the French Swiss and Italian Alps.

7. BSP) and balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.)

8. Hellenic beech forests with Abies borisii-regis

9. Data from 585 balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.)

10. Five commercially important softwood species, Abies balsamea (L.)

11. Bordered pits in the wood of Picea abies

12. There was little difference among tree species (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.)

13. Abies balsamea and Betula papyrifera showed the reverse trend.

14. To clarify the taxonomy of subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.)

15. A new parasite causing needle disease of alpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.)

16. Key words: chromosomal organization, FISH, Picea abies, ribosomal cistrons, satellite DNA.

17. Cell formation in growth rings of balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.)

18. We studied the decomposition of cut stumps of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.)

19. Picea abies, Hedera helix, forest decline, ozone, acid fog, waxes, cuticles, alkanes.

20. They prized softwood, however, especially that of silver fir (Abies alba), for construction and shipbuilding.

21. Juvenile-mature-correlations were examined on 12 clones of Norway Spruce (Picea abies L.

22. The results did not justify any suggestions for changes in the P. abies breeding strategy.

23. Alder (Alnus glutinosa) carrs arose in the marshy lowlands and spruce (Picea abies) reached the Harz Mountains.

24. The objective of this study was to verify this relationship with suppressed balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.)

25. Correlations were analyzed on 20 fast-grown and 20 slow-grown Norway spruces (Picea abies (L.)

26. 23 Conifer forests ( Abies - Tsuga ) and bamboo thickets on steep slopes; 2900–3200 m. W Yunnan .

27. The development of twist in Norway spruce boards (Picea abies Karst.) during normal temperature kiln drying was researched.

28. To facilitate this, we examined light availability and foliar N status of understory subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.)

29. Abietite - A substance resembling mannite, found in the needles of the common silver fir of Europe (Abies pectinata)

30. - "susceptible plants" means plants (other than fruit and seeds) of Abies Mill., Cedrus Trew, Larix Mill., Picea A.

31. Abietite: A substance resembling mannite, found in the needles of the common silver fir of Europe (Abies pectinata)

32. Abies nephrolepis Max. is a fir species occurring in Northeast China, the extreme southeast of Russia and Korea.

33. Abietite (uncountable) (organic chemistry) A substance resembling mannite, found in the needles of the common silver fir of Europe (Abies alba).

34. Abietite meaning (organic chemistry) A substance resembling mannite, found in the needles of the common silver fir of Europe (Abies pectinata)

35. This paper deals with the quantification and severity of damage caused by proof-loading of Norway spruce (Picea abies) timber.

36. Podkarpacki miód spadziowy is liquid or crystallised honey produced from honeydew gathered by bees from the European silver fir (Abies alba

37. The growth of the mean stand height of spruces (Picea abies) for different site classes is described using the Evolon model.

38. Abietite (uncountable) (organic chemistry) A substance resembling mannite, found in the needles of the common silver fir of Europe (Abies alba).

39. It has been reported that in Fir (Abies alba), Norway spruce (Picea abies), Beech (Fagus silvatica) and other trees in these areas, there was an increased incidence of chlorosis (bleaching of needles), necrosis (death of needles) and premature needle loss over the last 2 decades (Frank and Frank, 1986a, 1986b; Frank, 1989).

40. Abies grandis, Taxus brevifolia, Thuja plicata, or any combination of these may dominate old-growth mesic forests of the Bitterroot Canyons, western Montana.

41. Plants of Abies Mill., Larix Mill., Picea A., Dietr., Pinus L. and Pseudotsuga Carr., over 3 m in height, other than fruit and seeds

42. The widely occurring Picea abies was not used for nutrition. During summer, remnants of the following plants were identified from the faeces.

43. Two-way indicator species analysis (TWINSPAN) was used to classify the data, resulting in eight forest cover types: ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa), whitebark pine – subalpine larch (Pinus albicaulis – Larix lyallii), mountain hemlock (Tsuga mertensiana), Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis), western hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla), and hardwood forest.

44. Included were 48 sites with pine (Pinus spp.), mainly Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.), and 16 sites with spruce (Picea spp.), mainly Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.)

45. Abietite: Abietite (English) Noun Abietite (uncountable) (organic compound) A substance resembling mannite, found in the needles of the common silver fir of Europe (Abies alba)

46. Abietite: Abietite (English) Noun Abietite (uncountable) (organic compound) A substance resembling mannite, found in the needles of the common silver fir of Europe (Abies alba )

47. Annual timings were related to spring weather variation so that discharge peaks each year coincided with shoot elongation of the aecial host, balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.)

48. Water extracts of 5 weed species (Agropyrum repens, Capsella bursa-pastoris, Lamium amplexicaule, Senecio vulgaris, Sonchus arvensis) inhibited the development of root hairs fromPicea abies seedlings.

49. The structure of ectomycorrhizal communities was assessed above- and below-ground at three different sites in Switzerland that are dominated by Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.)

50. In some genera (Abies), the occurrence of flavonoids is correlated with biogeographical variation or with botanical sectionement; in other genera (Picea) there is no such relation.

51. Overall distributional map for occurrences of Erioderma pedicellatum on balsam fir (Abies balsamea) in Atlantic Canada, based on observations made both before 1995 and after 1994.

52. An accelerated weathering test was carried out to study crack formation of solid wood board specimens of aspen (Populus tremula L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.)

53. This forest is mainly made up of Norway spruce (Picea abies), but at the frontier with the barren zones, the main species is Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris).

54. Up to 10% cash back  · In the Alkalised area studied in the present work, the height growth of Picea abies, Picea mariana, Picea glauca, P

55. Plants intended for planting, other than seeds, of the genera Abies Mill., Apium graveolens L., Argyranthemum spp., Asparagus officinalis L., Aster spp., Brassica spp., Castanea Mill., Cucumis spp., Dendranthema (DC.)

56. A total of 9500 (5.0% of all trees) Pinus and Abies trees died 2 years after treatment of which 28.8% (2733 trees) was attributed to bark beetle colonization.

57. Abiences abient abies abietadiene abietadiene cyclase abietate abietates: abietene abietenes abietic abietic acid abietin abietine (current term) abietines abietinic abietins abietite: abietol abigail abigails abigailship abigailships abigeat abilao abilaos abiliment abiliments

58. Amanita smithiana, also known as Smith's amanita, is a species of agaric found on soil in coniferous (Abies, Tsuga, Pseudotsuga) and broadleaved (Alnus, Quercus) woodland in the Pacific Northwest of North America.

59. Odontia bicolor and Amylostereum areolatum were isolated from decayed wood of living spruce trees (Picea abies) in several districts in Germany, O. bicolor as the cause of a heart rot, A. areolatum invating the trees through wounds.

60. Abductor pollicis brevis abductor pollicis longus abductors Abegg's rule abembryonic aberrans aberrant aberration aberrational aberrometer aberrometry A-beta abetalipoproteinemia abeyance ABFP abfraction ABG ABI abience abient abies Abilify abiogenesis abiogenic abiogenically abiological Abiologically abiotic abiotically abiotrophic

61. Evaluations of level I data focused on statistical models as well as on the spatial and temporal variation in defoliation mainly of Picea abies and Quercus robur/petraea in relation to nitrogen and sulphur deposition and to other factors

62. Higher ignition probabilities were associated with the following cover types: subalpine herbaceous, alpine tundra, lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta Dougl. ex Loud.), whitebark pine (Pinus albicaulis Engelm.), Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii Parry ex Engelm.), subalpine fir (Abies lasiocarpa (Hook.)

63. The effect of 5 weed species (Agropyron repens, Capsella bursa pastoris, Lamium amplexicaule, Senecio vulgaris, Sonchus oleraceus) on root length, percentage of dead root tips and on the development of lateral roots ofPicea abies seedlings growing in quartz-sand was investigated.

64. Amanita altipes, also called the yellow long-stem amanita, is a species of agaric fungus found on soil in coniferous (Abies, Picea) and broadleaved (Betula, Quercus, Salix) woodland in southwestern China up to an altitude of 4,000 metres (13,000 ft).

65. Abies Balsamea or Balsam fir is a North American fir, native to most of eastern and central Canada (Newfoundland west to central Alberta) and the northeastern United States (Minnesota east to Maine, and south in the Appalachian Mountains to West Virginia).

66. A pharmaceutical preparation is described which has anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial and wound healing activity and which comprises a capsular extract of the Siberian fir, $i(Abies sibericus) Ledebur. and the monoterpene compounds from the ethereal oils of the capsular extract.

67. With exserted Awllike bracts 2 to 4 cm long, the sharply-pointed deep green needles like those of Torreya, the very thin bark (and hence the need for fire protection), and its tall spirelike habit that recalls that of Abies lasiocarpa or Picea engelmannii near timberline

68. In the laboratory, spruce (Picea abies) was identified to be sensitive to exposure to trichloroethylene, with significant reductions in the photosynthetic pigments, chlorophyll-a and β-carotene being observed following exposure to concentrations of trichloroethylene as low as 10.8 μg/m3 for 5 hours with simultaneous irradiation.

69. In about 1900, a tiny insect called balsam woolly Adelgid (Adelges piceae), a European native, appeared in North America on balsam firs (Abies balsamea) in New England and Canada.In 1928 it was found for the first time in a western state, on ornamental firs near San Francisco.

70. Transmission electron microscopy observations performed with cytochemical stains to detect polysaccharides and cysteine-rich proteins have been done to study the effect of an auxin transport inhibitor (2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid, TIBA) on Laccaria bicolor (Marie) Orton. hypha attachment and aggregation during mycorrhiza formation in Picea abies (L.) Karst. roots.

71. In experiments with attached and detached shoots of balsam fir, Abies balsamea L., synthetic (±)abscisic acid (ABA) (1) reduced photosynthesis and transpiration by inducing stomatal closure, (2) inhibited indoleacetic acid (IAA) - induced cambial activity in photosynthesizing and non-photosynthesizing shoots, and (3) inhibited the basipetal movement of [14C]IAA.

72. For example, the effects of fluoride emissions from a phosphorus plant in Long Harbour, Newfoundland (the plant closed in 1989), on the conifers balsam fir (Abies balsamea), black spruce (Picea mariana), and larch (Larix laricina), were monitored at 6 sites downwind from the plant during the summer of 1982 (Sidhu and Staniforth, 1986).

73. Coniferous wood, other than of pine (Pinus spp.), fir (Abies spp.) or spruce (Picea spp.), in the rough, not stripped of bark or sapwood, or roughly squared, other than treated with paint, stains, creosote or other preservatives, other than of which any cross-sectional dimension is 15 cm or more

74. In 1953 the author published a simple test for the diagnosis of gas damage based on the observation that the more the leaves of conifers, specially of spruce (Picea abies), have been damaged by gaseous contaminants in the atmosphere, the more turbid are the watery decoctions they produce. The instructions for the so-called.

75. On Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia, S. gaspensis has been recorded from seven habitats, two of which were described by Roscoe and Majka (1976): 1) a mixedwood stand composed of spruces (Picea spp), white birch (Betula papyrifera), and balsam fir (Abies balsamifera) with scattered maples (Acer spp); and 2) a mature hardwood stand of sugar maple (Acer saccharum) and yellow birch (Betula alleghaniensis).

76. Anagrams and words using the letters in 'Babiches' 8 Letter Words You can Make With Babiches Babiches 7 Letter Words You can Make With Babiches babiche cabbies 6 Letter Words You can Make With Babiches babies baches cabbie ceibas chaise 5 Letter Words You can Make With Babiches abbes abies aches babes basic beach bices ceiba chase chias sahib saice