Use "Old Testament" in a sentence

1. Old Testament

2. Old Testament Prophets

3. An Old Testament patriarch.

4. The Old Testament Terms for Blessing abound in the Old Testament, occurring over 600 times.

5. I prefer the Old Testament.

6. This guy is Old Testament.

7. Beseeching in the Old Testament

8. This is Old Testament, padre.

9. KJV Bible -- Browse Old Testament


11. Canaan in Old Testament Times

12. You think you're Old Testament?

13. The Old Testament Types and the New Testament Antitypes By T

14. The Christian Bible consists of the Old Testament and the New Testament

15. PArables Recorded in the Old Testament

16. A book in the Old Testament.

17. Antithesis Contradictions Between the Old Testament Deity and the New Testament God

18. What designations are preferable to “Old Testament” and “New Testament,” and why?

19. The gospel in the Old Testament is fulfilled in the New Testament.

20. How Believable Is the “Old Testament”?

21. The World of the Old Testament

22. In the Bible we have the Old Testament and the New Testament.

23. Is the “Old Testament” Still Relevant?

24. The Old Testament Covenant with Abraham

25. In the Old Testament the word testament represents a Hebrew word meaning “covenant.”

26. The early Bogomils rejected the Old Testament, relying primarily on the New Testament

27. Angels appear frequently in the Old Testament, the New Testament, Qur'an and Aqdas

28. The fifth book of the Old Testament.

29. Bearing Burdens Was an Old Testament Truth

30. The Old Testament sells fear and guilt.

31. The Bible is divided into two sections: the Old Testament and the New Testament.

32. Some refer to these two sections as the Old Testament and the New Testament.

33. He is Jehovah of the Old Testament and the Messiah of the New Testament.

34. There were three courses originally taught in seminary: Old Testament, New Testament, and Church History.

35. Enoch is a prophet in the Old Testament,

36. & Tyndale Old Testament Commentary [TOTC], 28 Vols

37. Agricola also translated parts of the Old Testament.

38. The mother of Samuel, an Old Testament prophet.

39. Many modern translations therefore correctly read “old covenant” rather than “old testament.”

40. In the Old Testament Abyssos [] is invariably descriptive

41. It is a map of Old Testament history.”

42. & Tyndale Old Testament Commentary [TOTC], 28 Vols

43. He was led to Allegorize the Old Testament,

44. (Commentary on the Old Testament) This seems reasonable.

45. The event was prophesied in the Old Testament.

46. Chiasms, Revelation reviews the Old Testament Era and amplifies

47. A king of ancient Israel in the Old Testament.

48. Personally, I believe that Backsliding is the Old Testament

49. In the Old Testament, the Egyptian handmaid of Sarah.

50. Old Testament times: Deuteronomy 33:3; Psalm 30:4

51. The book of Job is in the Old Testament.

52. They removed the whole Old Testament from the Bible.

53. In the Old Testament, the son of King Solomon.

54. 1 The event was prophesied in the Old Testament.

55. In this respect, the Old and New Testament belong together.

56. Three Old Testament Types/Antitypes of the blood of Christ

57. An Old Testament prophet at the time of King David.

58. The traditional Old Testament Apocrypha contains the following fourteen books

59. The concept of Authority seldom appears in the Old Testament

60. After that the team began to translate the Old Testament.

61. * See also Deuteronomy; Exodus; Genesis; Leviticus; Moses; Numbers; Old Testament

62. Apocryphal writings during the time of the Old Testament writings

63. In the Old Testament, the word translated “Abomination” is shiqquwts

64. A huge animal, possibly hippopotamus, described in the Old Testament.

65. Such inequality was roundly condemned by the Old Testament prophets.

66. 3 In certain respects the Old Testament is now invalidated.

67. Old Testament heroine, central figure in the Book of Esther.

68. The Amplified Bible of 2015 includes more amplification in the Old Testament and refined amplification in the New Testament

69. Old Testament Primarily in the Old Testament, Atonement refers to the process God established whereby humans could make an offering to God to restore fellowship with God

70. The Old Testament story of Abraham and the trials he endures

71. An often-told account from the Old Testament illustrates this principle.

72. Burial was a matter of great importance in the Old Testament

73. “Face painting” is mentioned in the Old Testament (Ezekiel 23:40).

74. Covenanting was predicted in prophecy in reference to Old Testament times

75. Tag Archives: Moses in the Bullrushes Faith, People in Old Testament

76. 15 Such inequality was roundly condemned by the Old Testament prophets.

77. The country of Cush is mentioned throughout the Old Testament, and …

78. I will cite but a few, beginning with the Old Testament.

79. The Arameans also fought against Israel frequently in the Old Testament

80. “The Abrahamic Test” in Sperry Symposium Classics: The Old Testament, ed