Use "taken along" in a sentence

1. Manuel was taken along to the Civil Government building and was charged with the crime of teaching others about the Bible, and of “distributing booklets and reading texts in such a way that he deliberately insulted the Catholic Religion, outraging the dogmas, rites and ceremonies, and openly advocating for the abolition of national traditions.”

‘마누엘’은 경찰서로 끌려갔으며, 성서를 다른 사람들에게 가르쳤고, “소책자들을 배포하였으며, 가톨릭 종교를 고의적으로 헐뜯는 방법으로 성귀들을 낭독했고, 교리들과 의식들 및 절기들을 부당하게 어겼으며, 이 나라의 전통을 폐지시킬 것을 주장”하였다는 죄목으로 고발되었다.