Use "adductor tubercle" in a sentence

1. Then, as no tubercle bacilli were present, she was discharged from the hospital.”

그런데 결핵균이 발견되지 않아 퇴원하였습니다.”

2. Fishermen are particularly interested in their adductor muscles, which are organs that hold the two shells together like a hinge.

어부들은 특히 두 개의 껍데기를 연결하는 기관인 관자를 좋아했습니다.

3. He used to play for Mumbai Indians in the IPL 4, but was ruled out of the squad because of adductor muscle injury.

제4화에서 부상을 당한 적이 있지만 데스다크로부터 지구를 지키기 위해 노력한다.

4. “The other half do not take their treatment, or take it very irregularly, which causes a much higher mortality rate (25 percent of those treated) and also produces a strain of tubercle bacillus that is resistant to antibiotics.”

“나머지 반수는 치료를 받지 않거나 아주 부정기적으로 받기 때문에, 사망률이 매우 높아질 뿐 아니라(치료자의 25퍼센트) 항생제에 내성을 가진 결핵균의 변종이 생기기까지 한다.”