Use "wit" in a sentence

1. She said, revealing her acerbic wit.

Dit-elle révélant son acerbe verbe..

2. And don't you dare touch that acerbic wit.

Et ne touchez surtout pas à son esprit acerbe.

3. Modern healthcare wit a multicultural, efficient an accesible caracter.

Des soins de santé modernes à caractère multiculturel, efficaces et accessibles.

4. -- ISBN 2922265129 View Gallery This entertaining ABC book is filled with fun and wit.

-- ISBN 2922265129 Visiter la galerie Cet abécédaire divertissant déborde d'humour et d'esprit.

5. Well, pals, you' il be interested to know that all London is agog with my wit and charm

Chers amis, vous serez heureux d' apprendre que tout Londres réclame mon esprit et mon charme

6. At first his beat was City Hall, but his acerbic wit was soon directed at larger targets: provincial politicians and their counterparts in Ottawa and Washington.

Il s'intéresse d'abord à la politique municipale, mais son esprit acerbe l'amène bientôt à choisir de plus grosses cibles : les personnalités politiques de la province, d'Ottawa et de Washington.

7. No one escaped the acerbic wit of Aristophanes, especially politicians and philosophers, and there is little doubt that in modern times he would be charged with slander and libel.

Personne n’échappe à l’humour acerbe d’Aristophane, surtout pas les hommes politiques et les philosophes, et aujourd’hui il serait fort probablement accusé de diffamation.

8. The Canadian Parliament's "unofficial opposition," Rick Mercer has parlayed his acerbic wit and voracious interest in politics into a career as the foremost political and social commentator of his time.

Rick Mercer, « opposition non officielle » du Parlement du Canada, transforme son esprit acerbe et son intérêt vorace pour la politique en une carrière qui fait de lui le plus grand commentateur politique et social de son époque.

9. In May 2010, Li Lu helped to translate and publish the Chinese version of Poor Charlie's Almanack, The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger (ISBN 978-7-208-08994-5) in China and wrote a foreword for the book.

En mai 2010, Li Lu aide à la traduction et la publication en chinois de Poor Charlie’s Almanack, The Wit and Wisdom of Charles T. Munger (ISBN 978-7-208-08994-5) en Chine et écrit l'avant-propos du livre.

10. For this cause is the Stone saide to be perfect, because it hath in it the nature of Minerals, Vegetables, and Animals: for the stone is three, and one having foure natures, to wit, the foure elements, & three colours, black, white and red. It is also called a graine of corne, which if it die not, remaineth without fruit: but if it doo die (as is above said) when it is ioyned in coniunction, it bringeth forth much fruite, the aforenamed operations being accomplished.

La conjonction des parties est la conception et la génération de la pierre.