Use "undifferentiated" in a sentence

1. Seeds of the terrestrial orchid Cypripedium acaule from temperate regions contain an undifferentiated embryo consisting of about one hundred cells.

Les graines du Cypripedium acaule, une orchidée terrestre des régions tempérées, sont constituées d'un proembryon contenant une centaine de cellules.

2. Three apparently intrinsic features of procercoid growth (initiation of differentiation at a fixed time, a minimum size threshold for differentiation, and an accelerated growth rate in procercoids following differentiation) provided a mechanism whereby natural variation in procercoid growth rates could be amplified to produce a parasite infrapopulation comprising large, differentiated procercoids and stunted, undifferentiated procercoids.

4.1 LE TERRITOIRE DE NITASSINAN 4.1.1 La superficie et la délimitation préliminaires de Nitassinan sont indiquées à l'annexe 4.1.