Use "swearing" in a sentence

1. The nation of Judah had become bloodguilty to the extreme, and its people were corrupted through stealing, murdering, committing adultery, swearing falsely, walking after other gods, and other detestable things.

” La nation de Juda avait les mains pleines de sang, et ses habitants, corrompus, pratiquaient des choses aussi détestables que le vol, l’assassinat, l’adultère, la prestation de faux serments et l’adoration de faux dieux.

2. Further to this, The Antigua and Barbuda Citizenship Act, under which persons are granted citizenship, provides explicit instructions for both Christian swearing and secular Affirmation as a means of proclaiming allegiance during the naturalization process

Qui plus est, la loi sur la citoyenneté d'Antigua-et-Barbuda, qui régit l'octroi de la nationalité, contient des instructions claires concernant tant la prestation du serment chrétien que la déclaration laïque d'allégeance faite dans le cadre du processus de naturalisation