Use "supposes" in a sentence

1. This alternative is considered by Tamura (1991), who retains the aggregate production function hypothesized by Lucas (1988), but supposes that the individual's human capital accumulation technology features an aggregate spillover.

Cette externalité de rechange est examinée par Tamura (1991), qui retient l'hypothèse de la fonction de production agrégée de Lucas (1988), tout en supposant que la technologie d'accumulation du capital humain de l'individu comporte des retombées agrégées.

2. Our plaster partitions for interior divisions of housings, with superior technical characteristics to the rest of the products in the market, allow for fulfillment, without issue, with the new acoustic standards, in effect since April of 2009, which supposes a guarantee and tranquility for architects, developers, and builders.

Nos panneaux s ́adaptent aussi parfaitement aux exigences de résistance au feu.