Use "spins" in a sentence

1. The artist becomes a human spoke as he spins, turns, twists and maneuvers the wheel, performing gravity-defying somersaults and acrobatics.

L'artiste se transforme en véritable rayon humain de la roue alors qu'il pivote et tournoie en exécutant des sauts périlleux et des vrilles qui défient les lois de la gravité.

2. The fact that the motion of the atoms of helium-3 gas is so quick that the spins cannot follow the change of direction of an inhomogeneous magnetic field adiabatically is an important spin relaxation mechanism.

Le fait que le mouvement des atomes d'hélium 3 gazeux est tellement rapide que les spins ne peuvent suivre adiabatiquement le changement de direction d'un champ magnétique non homogène constitue un mécanisme important de relaxation de spin.

3. Buttle opened his program, set to a piano version of Adios Nonino, with a solid triple flip-triple toeloop combination. He also completed a triple Lutz, and his program was highlighted by difficult spins and footwork, all of which were graded a level four by the technical panel.

La note totale de 77,72 points de Jeff a légèrement dépassé son record personnel de 77,39 points dans un programme court.