Use "shingle" in a sentence

1. The shingle is attached directly to a building or roof structure without an intermediary support or framing structure therebetween.

Le bardeau est attaché directement à une structure de bâtiment ou de toiture sans support intermédiaire ni structure de charpente entre eux.

2. In addition to the reed beds, the bird habitats include brackish and freshwater lagoons—the largest called the Scrape—shingle, sand dunes, marshes, meadows, heathland, and both deciduous and coniferous woodlands.

Outre les roselières, différents écosystèmes se côtoient : étangs d’eau saumâtre ou d’eau douce (le plus grand baptisé The Scrape), galets, dunes, marécages, prairies, lande et, enfin, bois de feuillus et de conifères.

3. Extracts from his diary read to the society on 8 May 1837 included the observation: Is it not extraordinary, that sea-worn, rolled, shingle-stones, and alluvial accumulations, compose the greater portion of these plains?

Des extraits à de la lecture de son journal quotidien, adressés à la société le 8 mai 1837 comprenait l’observation suivante (page 115) : « Is it not extraordinary, that sea-worn, rolled, shingle-stones, and alluvial accumulations, compose the greater portion of these plains?