Use "sex drive" in a sentence

1. Common side effects (these can affect from # to # users in # patients treated) Tiredness, trouble sleeping, anxiety, feeling agitated or having abnormal dreams. Dizziness, tremor or numbness, including numbness or tingling of the skin. Diarrhoea, constipation, being sick (vomiting), heartburn, breaking wind, stomach pain. Tinnitus (perception of sound in the ear when there is no external sound). Blurred eyesight. Feeling the heart pumping in the chest, flushing, increased sweating, night sweats Problems getting an erection, less sex drive. (Itchy) rash. Muscle pain, muscle tightness, muscle spasm. Increased yawning. Lack of appetite, weight loss

Perception des battements du c ur dans la poitrine (palpitation), bouffées de chaleur, hypersudation, sueurs nocturnes. Problèmes d érection, troubles de l orgasme, baisse du désir sexuel. Eruptions cutanées (avec démangeaisons). Douleurs musculaires, contractions musculaires ou spasmes musculaires. Tendance au bâillement. Manque d appétit, perte de poids