Use "septuagint" in a sentence

1. Notably, the Septuagint texts are preserved in the three famous uncial manuscripts written on vellum —the Vatican Manuscript No. 1209 and the Sinaitic Manuscript, both of the fourth century C.E., and the Alexandrine Manuscript of the fifth century C.E.

Les textes de la Septante sont notamment conservés sur les trois célèbres manuscrits en onciale sur vélin : le Vaticanus 1209 et le Manuscrit sinaïtique, tous deux du IVe siècle de n. è., et l’Alexandrinus, du Ve siècle de n. è.

2. The Latin version by Saint Jerome, the Vulgate, says: Dormitavit anima mea prae taedio (literally, “My soul slept from boredom”: Ps.118/119:28). We should note that the Greek word in the Septuagint, which Jerome translates as taedio (tedium, or boredom) is our word, “acedia.” What is the Hebrew word which underlies the Greek?

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