Use "praiseworthy" in a sentence

1. As the Director of Naval Training wrote in 1952, "It was also clear that in the early stage of training it would be wise to have some of the instruction given in the French language.63 These pious afterthoughts, however praiseworthy, still demonstrate a desire to anglicize French-speaking recruits, which ultimately means a mindset bent on one-way bilingualism. Unilingualism in the Air Force In the Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF), 24,768 officers and men, or 11.13 per cent of the total of 222,501 who enlisted, came from Quebec.64 Again, we note that this percentage does not necessarily reflect the contribution of French Canadians.

Après que l’honorable Angus L. Macdonald l’eut fait remarquer au comité de guerre du Cabinet le 18 juin 1943, il avait été convenu que la marine devrait faire le nécessaire pour enseigner l’anglais aux recrues de langue française.»59