Use "phonology" in a sentence

1. For example, the word that appears as ktbu "they wrote" in Jeffrey Heath's Ablaut and Ambiguity: Phonology of a Moroccan Arabic Dialect appears as ketbu in Harrell's grammar.

For example, the word that appears as ktbu "they wrote" in Jeffrey Heath's Ablaut and Ambiguity: Phonology of a Moroccan Arabic Dialect appears as ketbu in Harrell's grammar. (en) Cet article est partiellement ou en totalité issu de l’article de Wikipédia en anglais intitulé « consonant cluster » (voir la liste des auteurs).

2. • 8 tests Intermediate and Advanced Levels (B and C) Phonology Series is a collection of six practice books with eight audiocassettes dealing with the pronunciation, rhythm, stress, and intonation of English:

• 2 cassettes (ou un cédérom) d'activités de groupe et de sous-groupes