Use "misfortunes" in a sentence

1. Its renewal in 1794 included an amendment that limited the scope of insurance policies concerning slaves, rendering illegal such generalised phrases that promised to insure against "all other Perils, Losses, and Misfortunes."

Son renouvellement, en 1794, comprend un amendement qui limite la portée des polices d'assurance concernant les esclaves, rendant illégales les phrases standards qui promettaient d'assurer all other Perils, Losses, and Misfortunes (« tous les autres dangers, pertes et malheurs »).

2. In recent years, the United Nations sought, through world summits, to find global solutions with broad international consensus for the many misfortunes that afflict humanity, such as local wars, degradation of the environment, violations of human rights and inadequate social development, among others

Au cours des dernières années, l'Organisation a cherché, grâce aux sommets mondiaux, à trouver des solutions globales, recueillant un large consensus international, aux nombreux problèmes qui touchent l'humanité, tels que les guerres locales, la dégradation de l'environnement, les violations des droits humains et un développement social insuffisant