Use "malarial granuloma" in a sentence

1. Peptides derived from human tumour necrosis factor alpha and useful against intracellular malarial parasites

Peptides derives du facteur de necrose tumorale humain alpha utiles contre les parasites paludeens intracellulaires

2. A great variety of rare conditions made up the remainder of the series and included mediastinal abscess, thymic cyst, pericardial cyst, accessory lobe of lung, plasma cell granuloma, fibromatosis, paravertebral Ewing’s tumour and neurofibrosarcoma.

Le reste était composé d’affections rares telles qu’abcès médiastinal, kyste du thymus, kyste du péricarde (péricardique), lobe accessoire du poumon, granulome des cellules plasmatiques, fibromatose, sarcome d’Ewing paravertébral, tumeur carcinoïde et neurofibrosarcome.

3. Tularaemia (0) Cat-Scratch Disease (0) Scrophuloderma (0) Actinomycosis of the Skin (0) Primary Lues (0) Ulcus Molle (0) Granuloma Venereum (0) Sporotrichosis (0) Carcinoma of the Urethra (0) Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Penis (0) Elephantiasis Nostras following recidiv.

Tularémie (0) Maladie des griffes du chat (0) Scrophuloderma (0) Actinomycose cutanée (0) Primary Lues (0) Chancre mou (0) Granuloma Venereum (0) Sporotrichose (0) Carcinoma of the Urethra (0) Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Penis (0) Elephantiasis Nostras following recidiv.

4. Tularaemia (0) Cat-Scratch Disease (0) Scrophuloderma (6) Actinomycosis of the Skin (2) Primary Lues (4) Ulcus Molle (2) Granuloma Venereum (0) Sporotrichosis (0) Carcinoma of the Urethra (0) Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Penis (3) Elephantiasis Nostras following recidiv.

Tularémie (0) Maladie des griffes du chat (0) Scrophuloderma (6) Actinomycose cutanée (2) Primary Lues (4) Chancre mou (2) Granuloma Venereum (0) Sporotrichose (0) Carcinoma of the Urethra (0) Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Penis (3) Elephantiasis Nostras following recidiv.