Use "luxor" in a sentence

1. After seeing anchor in its harbour of Le Luxor carrying the Obelisk of Luxor in August 1833, Cherbourg welcomed the return of the remains of Napoleon to France aboard the Belle Poule.

Après avoir vu mouiller dans sa rade le Louxor transportant l’Obélisque de Louxor en août 1833, Cherbourg accueille le retour des cendres de Napoléon en France à bord de la Belle Poule.

2. A number of licensed versions were released in Europe, including the Luxor Video Entertainment System in Scandinavia (Sweden), Adman Grandstand in the UK, and the Saba Videoplay, Nordmende Teleplay and ITT Tele-Match Processor, from Germany and also Dumont Videoplay and Barco Challenger from the Barco/Dumont company in Italy and Belgium.

Un certain nombre de versions autorisées sortirent en Europe, y compris le Luxor Video Entertainment System en Suède, Grandstand au R-U, et le Saba Videoplay et d'ITT Tele-Match Processor, tous les deux en Allemagne.