Use "kirk" in a sentence

1. Kirk is taken to a futuristic room: the absorption chamber.

Kirk est emmené dans une salle futuriste : la chambre d'absorption. Là, un prêtre appelé Marplon surveille l'induction de force de Kirk dans le Corps.

2. Al and his wife Shirley have two children, Tracey and Kirk

Al et sa femme Shirley ont deux enfants, Tracey et Kirk

3. Adena's body was found outside the kitchen door in the yard at 718 Kirk.

Le corps d'Adena a été trouvé à l'extérieur de la porte, de la cuisine, dans la cour au n ° 718.

4. Notably the Horta emerging/tunneling through the rock face when Captain Kirk encountered the Horta mother on his own was a combination of new and original footage. * The "suit" for the Horta, also with Prohaska inside, first appeared in the final episode of the original ABC series ''The Outer Limits''.

Le Docteur [[McCoy]] eut aussi son moment de communion avec le Horta.