Use "kamakura shogunate" in a sentence

1. His disciple Kenzei elaborated on the claim, saying that after the death of Ejō, Gien occupied the abbacy by fiat while Gikai was in the city of Kamakura.

Son disciple Kenzei développe cette version, disant qu'après la mort d'Ejō, Gien occupe l'abbaye fiat tandis que Gikai est dans la ville de Kamakura.

2. According to his source, when Gikai returned from Kamakura, Gien and Ejō were both alive and Gien offered him the abbacy, but Gikai refused because Gien was below him in rank.

Selon ses sources, lorsque Gikai rentre de Kamakura, Gien et Ejō sont tous deux vivant et Gien lui offre l'abbatiat, mais Gikai refuse parce que Gien lui est inférieur en rang.