Use "involuntarily" in a sentence

1. In order to facilitate and help such transformation, the following conditions will need to be filled in: —keeping clear of hiding Palliative Care by reducing and bounding only to its oncological approach; —taking into account not only the disease itself, but the whole needs of the patients and of their families; —providing an efficient coordination between all professional bodies and mainly, Palliative Care professionals, Algologists, Psychologists, Social workers...; —to implement the patient himself and his family, “pluridisciplinarity” and continuous care. It must be emphasized that such a new term like “Supportive Care” would induced involuntarily confusing ideas of policy and provision.

Pour que ce changement soit réel, certaines conditions devront impérativement être remplies: éviter d’occulter les soins palliatifs, de les enfermer et de les limiter au champ de la cancérologie; prendre en compte les besoins des patients et de leurs proches; créer une véritable coordination entre cancérologues, acteurs de soins palliatifs et d’accompagnement, algologues, psychologues...; veiller à la réalité sur le terrain de la pluridisciplinarité et de la continuité des soins.