Use "inhabitant" in a sentence

1. In publications per inhabitant, the EU is ahead of Japan, but lags behind the USA.

En termes de publications par habitant, l'UE dépasse le Japon, mais se situe derrière les Etats-Unis.

2. Even though Judah and Jerusalem were absolutely desolate without human inhabitant for seventy years, they would be rebuilt at Jehovah’s command.

Même si Juda et Jérusalem devaient rester entièrement désolées et privées d’habitants pendant soixante-dix ans, elles seraient rebâties sur l’ordre de Jéhovah.

3. In 2004, there were 34.8 ABM transactions per inhabitant in Canada compared to 29.7 in the Netherlands. and 29.1 in Germany.

En 2004, on comptait 34,8 transactions aux GAB par habitant au Canada, comparativement à 29,7 aux Pays-Bas et à 29,1 en Allemagne.

4. While working in the mine, he encounters an inhabitant of the planet Algol who gives him a prototype machine which can provide a virtually unlimited source of power.

Robert Herne travaille dans une mine de charbon où il rencontre un extraterrestre venu d'une planète orbitant autour d'Algol qui lui confie une machine qui peut lui fournir une source illimitée d'énergie.

5. THEY PROMISE AND ENGAGE that they will, in all respects, obey and abide by the law; that they will maintain peace between each other, and between themselves and other tribes of Indians, and between themselves and others of Her Majesty's subjects, whether Indians, half-breeds or whites, this year inhabiting and hereafter to inhabit any part of the said ceded territory; and that they will not molest the person or property of any inhabitant of such ceded tract, or of any other district or country, or interfere with or trouble any person passing or travelling through the said tract or any part thereof, and that they will assist the officers of Her Majesty in bringing to justice and punishment any Indian offending against the stipulations of this Treaty or infringing the law in force in the country so ceded.

(Le nombre d'indiens acceptant le traité étant plus considérable qu'on s'y attendait d'abord, on permit de nommer un chef qui signa le traité le 27 juillet devant les mêmes témoins des signatures du commissaire et du conseiller le 25.) G. BREYNAT, O.M.I. HARRISON S. YOUNG.