Use "in a word" in a sentence

1. An address of program instruction data is placed in a word register and a mode register.

Une adresse de données d'instruction du programme est placée dans un registre mots et un registre modes.

2. In a word, Milnerism, as it came to be called, helped to entrench the racist version of Afrikaner nationalism that eventually gave birth to the political policy of apartheid.

En résumé, le milnérisme, comme on a fini par l’appeler, a contribué à renforcer la version raciste du nationalisme afrikaner qui devait se traduire sur le plan politique par le système de l’apartheid.

3. Another extends his indifference to good morals even to his future wife, or he sinks to such depths of infamy as to be indifferent to his wife's conduct; but go a step further; speak to him of his mother. Is he willing to be treated as the child of an adulteress and the son of a woman of bad character, is he ready to assume the name of a family, to steal the patrimony of the true heir, in a word will he bear being treated as a bastard?

[1158:] Ainsi donc, c’est bien moins de la sensualité que de la vanité qu’il faut préserver un jeune homme entrant dans le monde: il cède plus aux penchants d’autrui qu’aux siens, et l’amour-propre fait plus de libertins que l’amour.