Use "gratifying" in a sentence

1. We have to deal with a deceitful and crafty enemy, who, gratifying the ears of people and of princes, has ensnared them by smooth speeches and by adulation.

Afin d'aiguillonner plus vivement le zèle de ces hauts personnages, ils poursuivent l'Eglise d'impudentes calomnies.

2. Would that all men would judge of the tree by its fruit, and would acknowledge the seed and origin of the evils which press upon us, and of the dangers that are impending! We have to deal with a deceitful and crafty enemy, who, gratifying the ears of people and of princes, has ensnared them by smooth speeches and by adulation.

Aussi voyons-nous multiplier et mettre à la portée de tous les hommes ce qui peut flatter leurs passions.