Use "foramen magnum" in a sentence

1. A balloon catheter for abrading a patent foramen ovale and method of using the balloon catheter

Catheter a ballonnet d'abrasion d'un foramen ovale permeable et procede d'utilisation dudit catheter

2. Air study was most useful in detecting the associated abnormalities of the brain, such as hydrocephalus, obstruction of the foramen of Monro, ventricular dilatation, cortical atrophy, porencephalic cyst and agenesis of corpus callosum.

L'étude pneumographique fut particulièrement utile pour la détection de malformations cérébrales associées, tels que l'hydrocéphalie, l'obstruction du trou de Monro, la dilatation ventriculaire, l'atrophie corticale, les kystes porencéphaliques, at l'espace sousarachnoïdien s'avérèrent normaux chez 18 malades de ce groupe.

3. The course of the ABVN inside the jugular foramen (JF), and distribution of the terminal branches of the ABVN in the external acoustic meatus were determined in 8 male cadavers (16 sides).

Le trajet de la BANV à l'intérieur du foramen jugulaire et la distribution des branches terminales de la BANV dans le méat acoustique externe ont été précisés sur 8 sujets mâles (16 côtés).

4. Magnum also argued that, since the Minister had placed its claim in abeyance without advising it that it could not claim on behalf of the owner-operators, it would now be unfair to deny the refund claim because, if the appeal were dismissed, the owner-operators would be statute-barred from submitting refund claims themselves.

Le Tribunal prend note qu'aucun élément de preuve n'a été fourni à l'appui de ces affirmations.