Use "festive" in a sentence

1. Rendang is traditionally prepared by the Malay community during festive occasions, served with ketupat or nasi minyak.

Le Rendang est traditionnellement préparée par la communauté malaise pour des occasions festives, servi avec du ketupat ou du nasi minyak.

2. Psalm 150, which we have just proclaimed, rings out for the second time in the Liturgy of Lauds: a festive hymn, an "alleluia" to the rhythm of music.

Pour la deuxième fois retentit dans la Liturgie des Laudes le Psaume 150, que nous venons de proclamer: un hymne de fête, un alléluia rythmé par de la musique.

3. It is about the hundreds of Russian civilians killed, and accusingly the report lists the places and aims of terrorist attacks - hospitals, cultural and festive events, public transport facilities.

Il s'agit des centaines de civils russes morts, la liste des endroits et des objectifs des attentats terroristes - hôpitaux, manifestations culturelles et fêtes, objets de transport public - est accusatrice.

4. While Rudy Coclet, more accustomed to pop, took on the recording, the band somewhat slowed down their punk heat musically speaking for these 10 tracks. The libertarian songs, the protester texts and other festive anthems are omnipresent and gain in presence thanks to the quality of the sound.

Ska-Punk-Guinguette-Reggae, telle est l'étiquette que ATOMIC LEAF défend depuis sa reformation.