Use "egregious" in a sentence

1. You only pursue legal action when you know the tort in question is egregious.

Pour une action en justice, il faut que la faute soit flagrante.

2. This is primarily the fault of the British government and media that intimidated their compatriots with fake stories and conducted an active agitprop campaign through egregious methods.

Le gouvernement britannique et les médias britanniques en sont les premiers responsables, qui ont intimidé leurs citoyens en diffusant des fakes et en participant activement à la propagande, utilisant pour cela des méthodes sans limites.

3. The Final Report of the WIPO Internet Domain Name Process acknowledged that its recommendations targeted only the most egregious problems caused by the conflict between domain names and trademarks, and that other issues would require further consultation.

Deuxième processus de consultations de l’OMPI sur les noms de domaine de l’Internet.