Use "dreamy" in a sentence

1. An undeniable judge to our promises, will be the presence of Morpheas in your dreams. When, tired at the end of the day, you surrender to his hospitable arms, you will find serenity and your sleep will become a dreamy experience.

L’hôtel dispose de 78 chambres et de deux suites.

2. Leaving the Piazza Grande you enter the neighbourhood of Visconti-Castles where you will find the Via della Motta. In this romantic, car free alleyway between the goldsmith Zoltan and the reception of the Residenza Motta lays the dreamy courtyard of our Residenza.

Vous serez les bienvenus dans une maison romantique et d'un style typiquement tessinois avec un petit jardin ensoleillé agrémenté de tables et bancs.