Use "derogated" in a sentence

1. As such it cannot be derogated from by contrary international agreement and a fortiori by a national law

De ce fait, aucun accord international, ni, a fortiori, aucune loi nationale ne peut y déroger

2. The final product including any component or accessory shall not, unless specifically derogated, contain substances that:

Le produit final, y compris tous ses composants et accessoires, ne doit pas, sauf dérogation spécifique, contenir de substances qui:

3. As such it cannot be derogated from by contrary international agreement and a fortiori by a national law.

De ce fait, aucun accord international, ni, a fortiori, aucune loi nationale ne peut y déroger.

4. The final product including any component or accessory shall not, unless specifically derogated, contain substances that fulfil the following conditions:

Le produit final, y compris tous ses composants et accessoires, ne doit pas, sauf dérogation spécifique, contenir de substances remplissant les conditions suivantes:

5. ‘The final product including any component or accessory shall not, unless specifically derogated, contain substances that fulfil the following conditions:

«Le produit final, y compris tous ses composants et accessoires, ne doit pas, sauf dérogation spécifique, contenir de substances remplissant les conditions suivantes:

6. 4 Therefore, there is the maxim that says special legislation is not derogated from by general legislation, unless the two are absolutely repugnant and inconsistent with each other.

Evidemment, rien dans la Loi canadienne sur les droits de la personne ne laisse entendre que ce tribunal a le pouvoir de légiférer.