Use "deceit" in a sentence

1. The proliferation of divorce, abandonment, embezzlement, and other forms of deceit demonstrates that loyalty is no longer valued.

La prolifération des divorces, des abandons, des détournements de fonds et d’autres formes de tromperie attestent la piètre estime dans laquelle on la tient désormais.

2. The provisions of Article 176 apply to all, regardless of the agent resorting to violence, threat, fraud or deceit; although these are aggravating circumstances and thus raise the limits of imprisonment to 2 to 10 years, (other aggravating circumstances include the victim being under 14 years of age or the agent acting professionally or with the intent of profit).

Ce nouveau libellé a élargit la portée de l’article 169 et ainsi permet de poursuivre et de punir tous ceux qui directement ou indirectement contribuent à la traite des personnes.