Use "breccias" in a sentence

1. The breccias at Whitefish Falls are enriched in ferromagnesian minerals compared to adjacent, embayed and partially digested, host rock.

Les brèches de Whitefish Falls sont enrichies de minéraux ferro-magnésiens par rapport à la roche hôte adjacente qui est découpée et partiellement digérée.

2. Mineralization at Main Hill occurs in quartz breccias with sulfide matrices and in altered wall rock adjacent to quartz–biotite–amphibole ± clinopyroxene veins.

La minéralisation à Main Hill apparaît dans les brèches quartzifères à matrices de sulfures et dans la roche altérée des épontes adjacentes des filons de quartz–biotite–amphibole ± clinopyroxène.

3. Petrographic Observations on Mixing of Acid and Basic Magmas: Genesis of the Dacitoïdes of the Qom-Aran Area (Central Iran) Among the Upper Eocene pyroclastic materials of the Qom-Aran area (Central Iran) there are rocks (named lava-breccias) with intermediate facies between lavas and pyroclastic rocks.

Dans les pyroclastites de l'Eocène supérieur de la région de Qom-Aran (Iran Central) existent des roches à aspect intermédiaire entre des laves et des roches pyroclastiques (laves bréchiques).

4. metamorphites, Mesozoic igneous intrusive rocks, Tertiary volcanic and sedimentary breccias, and Quaternary alluvia. The Precambrian Halloran Complex has been subdivided into the following formations: (1) Silver Lake Peak Formation, mostly quartzofeldspathic gneisses; (2) Cree Camp Formation, quartzites and metarhyolites; (3) Riggs Formation, metamorphosed carbonate rocks. This complex is intruded by dioritic rocks. Regional metamorphism produced parageneses of the almandine amphibolite facies. Metablastesis was a major phenomenon, partial fusion was a local one. The rocks are, therefore, metatexites. Regional metamorphism was followed by diaphthoresis, accentuated in a zone of dislocation.

Les « Halloran Hills » sont composés de roches métamorphiques précambriennes, re roches ignées intrusives mésozoiques, de brèches volcaniques et sédimentaires tertiaires ainsi que de galets quaternaires.