Use "bravery" in a sentence

1. The eventual victor was allowed to kill and maim to show his strength and bravery.

Le vainqueur final a le droit de tuer et de mutiler pour montrer sa force et sa bravoure.

2. When Neerja received the highest honor for bravery, the Ashok Chakra President Gyani Zail Singh consoled me.

Quand Neerja a reçu the prix d'honneur de la bravoure, Le Ashok Chakra... Le président Gyani Zail Singh m'a consolé. Il m'a dit...

3. " His squadron, his wings... " the Indian Air Force and the entire nation are proud of his bravery

Son escadron, ses ailes... l'armée de l'air indienne et la nation entière sont fières de son courage

4. Tina Lee Trombley, M.B., Regina, Saskatchewan Medal of Bravery On July 17, 2005, Tina Trombley went to the aid of a man who was being beaten during an altercation at the closing of a night club, in Regina, Saskatchewan.

Tina Lee Trombley, M.B., Regina (Saskatchewan) Médaille de la bravoure Le 17 juillet 2005, Tina Trombley a pris la défense d’un homme qui se faisait battre lors d’une altercation, à la fermeture d’une boîte de nuit, à Regina, en Saskatchewan.