Use "against all odds" in a sentence

1. And against all odds, by Mark's own admission he knew love.

Et contre toute attente, de son propre aveu, il connut l'amour.

2. Despite being a heel when dealing with the likes of Jeff Jarrett, Mick Foley and Abyss, Bischoff refereed his first TNA match at Against All Odds, favoring the face challenger Samoa Joe over the heel champion A.J. Styles in a match for the TNA World Heavyweight Championship.

En dépit d'être un "heel", quand il s'occupe de Jeff Jarrett, Mick Foley et Abyss, Bischoff a arbitré son premier match au PPV TNA "Against All Odds", en favorisant le challenger "face" Samoa Joe face au champion "heel" AJ Styles lors d'un match pour le Championnat poids Lourds TNA.