Use "accessory muscle" in a sentence

1. A case of an anomalous unilateral accessory muscle lying on the ramus of the mandible medial to M. depressor labii mandibularis in a female fallow deer and another case of anomalous unilateral accessory small muscle connecting the aboral portion of M. malaris and fascia parotidea in a female red deer were observed during the course of dissection of the heads of both species.

On décrit le cas d'un muscle auxiliaire surnuméraire et unilatéral observé sur le mandibule inférieur au milieu duM. depressor labii mandibularis d'un Daim femelle de même que le cas d'un petit muscle auxiliaire unilatéral chez un Cerf femelle adulte reliant la portion aborale duM. malaris avec laFascia parotidea.