Use "titicaca" in a sentence

1. At an altitude of 12,500 feet [3,810 m], Titicaca is the highest navigable lake in the world.

Er liegt 3 812 Meter hoch und ist damit der höchste schiffbare See der Welt.

2. The Aymara language does have one surviving relative, spoken by a small, isolated group of about 1000 people far to the north in the mountains inland from Lima in Central Peru (in and around the village of Tupe, Yauyos province, Lima department). This language, known as Jaqaru/Kawki, is of the same family as Aymara, indeed some linguists refer to it as 'Central Aymara', alongside the main 'Southern Aymara' branch of the family spoken in the Titicaca region.

Die Dialekte dort hätten sich allmählich nach Süden in den bolivianischen Altiplano ausgeweitet und seien später schließlich vor allem von den Inka stark beeinflusst worden.