Use "steadiness" in a sentence

1. A combined evaluation summarizing abundance and steadiness (number of one species in total DM count [%] + occurrence of one species in all DM positive samples [%]: 2) showed the followings ranks: Lepidoglyphus destructor > Dermatophagoides farinae > Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus > Euroglyphus longior > Thyreophagus entomophagus > Glycyphagus domesticus > Acarus siro > Tyrophagus longior > Tyrophagus palmarum > Acarus immobilis > Glycyphagus geniculatus > Acarus farris > Gohieria fusca.

Die kombinierte Bewertung nach Abundanz und Stetigkeit (Anteil Artindividuen an allen Milbenindividuen [%] + Anteil der artpositiven Proben an allen milbenpositiven Proben [%]: 2) zeigte die folgende Rangstufung: Lepidoglyphus destructor > Dermatophagoides farinae > Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus > Euroglyphus longior > Thyreophagus entomophagus > Glycyphagus domesticus > Acarus siro > Tyrophagus longior > Tyrophagus palmarum > Acarus immobilis > Glycyphagus geniculatus > Acarus farris > Gohieria fusca.