Use "rite" in a sentence

1. Sons are also needed to carry on the rite of ancestral worship, or sraddha.

Söhne werden auch gebraucht, um die Riten des Ahnenkults, Sraddha, fortzuführen.

2. He introduced to the church the anaphoras of Theodore of Mopsuestia and Nestorius beside the more ancient liturgical rite of Addai and Mari.

Er führte die Anaphoren von Theodor von Mopsuestia und Nestorius ein, neben der älteren Liturgie von Addai und Mari.

3. The Byzantine-rite Mirabilia Dei for humanity and, in this regard, the Anaphoras of St John Chrysostom and St Basil, serve as sublime examples.

Der byzantinische Ritus, die »mirabilia Dei« für die Menschheit, und die Anaphora des hl. Johannes Chrysostomus und des hl. Basilius sind von höchster Beispielhaftigkeit.

4. Hiatt was able to anticipate changes in consumer preferences for footwear, and adapted to major changes by acquiring firms with in-demand products: Three times in a row in the last two decades there have been major changes in the consumer taste in footwear, and he's been there every time with a new acquisition. — --Steven Nichols, a Stride Rite alumnus.

Hiatt verfolgte eine von Zukäufen geprägte Unternehmenspolitik, um die Firma so auf Kundenwünsche zu fokussieren. „Three times in a row in the last two decades there have been major changes in the consumer taste in footwear, and he's been there every time with a new acquisition.“ – --Steven Nichols, a Stride Rite alumnus.