Use "rinds" in a sentence

1. Fried potatoes, potato chips, frozen and pre-cooked potatoes, dried fruits, in particular almonds, walnuts, processed peanuts, raisins, toasted maize, sunflower seeds, pistachios, animal rinds

Pommes frites, Kartoffelchips. Tiefgekühlte und vorgekochte Kartoffeln. Trockenfrüchte, insbesondere Mandeln, Walnüsse, Erdnüsse (verarbeitet), Rosinen, geröstete Maiskörner, Sonnenblumenkerne, Pistazien, Schwarten

2. Ingredients: almonds min.23%, wheat flour, sugar, candied orange rinds min.15%, candied melon min.15%, candied citron min.7%, hazelnuts meal, honey, cocoa powder mixed spices, starch wafers.

Zutaten: Mandeln min.23%, Weizenmehl, Zucker, kandierte Orangenschale min.15%, Kandierte Melone min.15%, Zitronat min.7%, haselnüsssplitter, Honig, Kakaopulver , Gewürzmischung, Oblaten.

3. Glass may be present, particularly as rinds on rapidly chilled surfaces of lava flows, and is commonly (but not exclusively) associated with underwater eruptions. Amygdaloidal structure is common in relic vesicles and beautifully crystallized species of zeolites, quartz or calcite are frequently found.

Entlang der weltumspannenden mittelozeanischen Rücken steigt die Lava empor und erzeugt durch den Druck der erkaltetenden Gesteinsschmelze Kontinentalverschiebung und Plattentektonik .