Use "rhythmical" in a sentence

1. Rhythmical light stimuli cause different decrease of on- and off-effect amplitudes.

Flimmerlicht erzeugt eine phasenspezifische Amplitudenreduktion.

2. The 7th wave has the same period as the spontaneous rhythmical EEG-waves in the different ages (Fig.6) and is thus considered to be the first wave of the “afterdischarge”.-During the first months the maximal amplitude of the occipital ep moves from the inion towards the occipital area.

Die 7. Welle hat dieselbe Periode wie die spontanen, rhythmischen EEG-Wellen während verschiedener Alter (Abb.6) und kann daher als die 1. Welle der sogenannten rhythmischen „Nachentladung“ angesehen werden.

3. P. M. Zall writes in "The Gothic Voice of Father Bear" (1974) that "it was no trick for Southey, a consummate technician, to recreate the improvisational tone of an Uncle William through rhythmical reiteration, artful alliteration ('they walked into the woods, while'), even bardic interpolation ('She could not have been a good, honest Old Woman')".

P. M. Zell schreibt in The Gothic Voice of Father Bear (1974) “It was no trick for Southey, a consummate technician, to recreate the improvisational tone of an Uncle William through rhythmical reiteration, artful alliteration ('they walked into the woods, while'), even bardic interpolation ('She could not have been a good, honest Old Woman')” „Für Southey, einen vollendeten Techniker, war es kein Kunststück, den improvisatorischen Ton eines Onkel William mittels rhythmischer Wiederholung, kunstvoller Alliteration , sogar bardischer Interpolation nachzuempfinden“ – P. M. Zell: The Gothic Voice of Father Bear (1974) Letztlich ist jedoch nicht sicher, woher Southey oder sein Onkel die Erzählung kannten.