Use "pastrami" in a sentence

1. Based on work by Tristan Throup , anthony Cohen , Pastrami on Ry , Chuck Hoover , John Acheson , Kevin and Joe Rosenblum , Wikicars user(s) LOLERCAUST and LuvWikis and Anonymous user(s) of Wikicars.

Based on work by Tristan Throup , anthony Cohen , Pastrami on Ry , Chuck Hoover , John Acheson , Kevin und Joe Rosenblum , Wikicars-Benutzer LOLERCAUST und LuvWikis und Anonymous user(s) of Wikicars.

2. Based on work by Tristan Throup , Iain Cameron , John Acheson , Nidhi , Kevin and Pastrami on Ry , Wikicars user(s) Mugen Power and Anonymous user(s) of Wikicars.

Based on work by Tristan Throup , Iain Cameron , John Acheson , Nidhi , Kevin und Pastrami on Ry , Wikicars-Benutzer Mugen Power und Anonymous user(s) of Wikicars.

3. Based on work by Red_marquis , Scott Lantz , Stevan Cartwright , Pastrami on Ry , Michael V. , Stephen , Nidhi , John Acheson and Kevin , Wikicars user(s) Mesinnoser and Zerillos and Anonymous user(s) of Wikicars.

Based on work by Red_marquis , Scott Lantz , Stevan Cartwright , Pastrami on Ry , Michael V. , Stephen , Nidhi , John Acheson und Kevin , Wikicars-Benutzer Mesinnoser und Zerillos und Anonymous user(s) of Wikicars.