Use "opiates" in a sentence

1. For the MTP-EIAs we used the cut-off recommendations of the supplier (cannabinoids 2 ng/mL, opiates 10 ng/mL). For the Abbott FPIAs the serum samples had to be pretreated (deproteinization with acetone) and appropriate cut-offs were defined by our investigations (cannabinoids 20 ng/mL, opiates 30 ng/mL).

Als Cut-offs wurden für die Mahsan MTP-EIAs die Herstellerangaben übernommen (Cannabinoide 2 ng/¶mL, Opiate 10ng/mL) und für die Abbott FPIAs nach Proteinfällung Werte aus eigenen Voruntersuchungen (Cannabinoide 20 ng/¶mL, Opiate 30 ng/mL).