Use "motivations" in a sentence

1. Thus advertising appeals to basic motivations —love, family, success, pleasure, security, and so forth.

Darum spricht die Werbung die grundlegenden Wünsche an — Liebe, Familie, Erfolg, Vergnügen, Sicherheit und so weiter.

2. The Chinese are not going to change their exchange rate regime, which has strategic as well as economic motivations, just because the Europeans are unhappy with the currency peg.

Die Chinesen werden ihre Wechselkurspolitik, für die es strategische und auch wirtschaftliche Gründe gibt, nicht ändern, nur weil die Europäer mit der Währungsbindung unzufrieden sind.

3. The concept of Varna describes four main socio-psychological types, whereby human psychological and physical endowment and social motivations are expressed: the Vipra (intellectual), Kshatriya (warrior), Vaishya (acquisitor) and Shudra (labourer).

Das Konzept von Varna wobei psychische und körperliche Begabung und Motivation ausgedrückt wird in Begriffen von vier Haupttypen: Vipra (Intellektuelle), Kshatriya (Krieger), Vaishya (Kaufleute) und Shudra (Arbeiter).

4. That's what's embarrassing: that in the last twenty-five years, the ideology of the garage-pit has again become so powerful that its representatives no longer have to face criticism, must no longer justify themselves, but rather denounce any kind of critical spirit as unworldly and amoral, knowing full well that force of the masses is on their side, that public discourse swallows up or makes fun of every doubt about the underlying values of society. At the same time, the fears and motivations of neo-conservative high-handedness are easy to comprehend: the outbreak of the Aids pandemic at the beginning of the 1980s, the collapse of the Soviet Union, the increase in Islamic fundamentalism in the 1990s, the terrorist attacks of 11 September 2001, bracketed by imperialist US wars over oil.

Im Keller des Strasshofer Einfamilienhauses liegt die Wahrheit einer Politik, die längst aufgehört hat, sich um die gemeinsame Sache der Menschen zu kümmern.