Use "liquidate" in a sentence

1. On September 29, 2006, Amaranth's founder sent a letter to fund investors notifying them of the fund's suspension and on October 1, 2006, Amaranth hired the Fortress Investment Group to liquidate its assets.

Am 29. September 2006 sandte der Gründer von Amaranth einen Brief an die Mitglieder des Fonds, dass er die Geschäftstätigkeit aussetze, und am 1. Oktober 2006 engagierte Amaranth die Fortress Investment Group, um ihre Vermögenswerte zu liquidieren.

2. With the exchange and the transition between art and private possessions, between museum, accommodation, home improvement store and furniture store, Slotawas arrangements are never ballast, but exhibition objects as well as everyday object. They move in constant circulation between the public, the market and privacy, liquidate overcrowded possessions and question them at the same time.

Zentral für Slotawas Arbeiten ist das Moment des Austausches und des Prozesshaften.