Use "levin" in a sentence

1. Through performances, digital artifacts, and virtual environments, often created with a variety of collaborators, Levin applies creative twists to digital technologies that highlight our relationship with machines, make visible our ways of interacting with each other, and explore the intersection of abstract communication and interactivity.

Diese Untersuchungen sind Teil der Grundlagenforschung von formalen Sprachen der Interaktivität und der nonverbalen Kommunikationsprotokolle in kybernetischen Systemen.

2. Senator Carl Levin, chairman of the subcommittee that heard their testimony, evidently seeing eye to eye with Kaufman, was just as tough after a year-long investigation of Washington Mutual, Goldman, and the abject failures of bank regulators and credit rating agencies.

Senator Carl Levin, Vorsitzender des Unterausschusses, der ihre Aussagen anhörte, war offenbar derselben Ansicht wie Kaufman und nach einjährigen Recherchen zu Washington Mutual, Goldman und dem extremen Versagen der Bankenaufsichtsbehörde und Kredit-Rating-Agenturen ebenso hartnäckig.