Use "inconsiderable" in a sentence

1. In relative terms these are not inconsiderable amounts, even if the figures are ethically difficult to compare.

Dabei handelt es sich im Verhältnis durchaus nicht um geringfügige Beträge, selbst wenn diese Zahlen aus ethischer Sicht schwer vergleichbar sind.

2. The question of energy storage will also have to be addressed, which will require further not inconsiderable costs,

Ferner müssen auch Möglichkeiten für die Energiespeicherung untersucht werden, für die weitere, erhebliche Zusatzinvestitionen erforderlich sind;

3. Here, cyclists relax and enjoy an alfresco meal of freshly cooked piadina, pasta, salumi, cheese, salads and grigliata mista, along with simple wines made from the family’s own Sangiovese and Trebbiano grapes. This is a wonderful occasion simply to relax in the sunshine, to luxuriate in the pleasures of a simple meal enjoyed outdoors, made all the more tasty and satisfying through being well earned by your own not inconsiderable efforts.

Es war eine richtig tolle Woche.