Use "fathom" in a sentence

1. There were gutting confessions, and moments where we just absolutely couldn't fathom the other person's experience.

Es gab zermürbende Geständnisse und Momente, in denen wir die Erlebnisse des anderen, nicht glauben konnten.

2. If the students failed to do their homework properly and therefore did not fully grasp simple addition and multiplication principles, the teacher would be hard-pressed to help them fathom algebraic equations.

Wenn die Schüler ihre Hausaufgaben nicht richtig machen und daher einfache Additions- und Multiplikationsregeln nicht völlig begreifen, hat es der Lehrer schwer, ihnen zu helfen, algebraische Gleichungen zu lösen.

3. In 1690 he wrote the songs for Dryden's version of Shakespeare's The Tempest , including Full fathom five and Come unto these yellow sands, and the music for Betterton 's adaptation of Fletcher and Massinger 's Prophetess (afterwards called Dioclesian ) and Dryden's Amphitryon . In 1691 he produced his dramatic masterpiece, King Arthur , also written by Dryden, and first published by the Musical Antiquarian Society in 1843.

Bereits von Zeitgenossen mit diesem Titel gewürdigt, galt Purcell vor allem durch seine Vokalwerke lange Zeit als größter englischer Komponist.