Use "executive room" in a sentence

1. Whether choosing a standard or executive room, all guests can benefit from the hotel’s exceptional in-room telephone rates which are generally lower than mobile phone roaming charges, as well as the use of free internet and WiFi wherever they are in the hotel; the excellent new ‘7Restaurant’ offers a number of comfortable work areas where guests can set up their laptops and connect to the internet for free, whilst the hotel’s light and airy reception area is the ideal place to hold an informal meeting, or simply stop for a coffee before facing the day ahead.

Das hervorragende neue ‘Restaurant7’ bietet eine Reihe von bequemen Arbeitsplätzen, an denen die Gäste am Laptop arbeiten und gratis ins Internet gelangen können. Der helle und luftige Empfangsbereich des Hotels ist wiederum der ideale Ort für informelle Besprechungen oder um einfach nur vor dem Start in den Tag einen Kaffee zu trinken.